The kindergarten classes were exploring text of what children's life is like in different places around the world. During a library class students were divided into small groups of about five to six students. Using pages from the book
Children Just Like Me by Unicef. This book travels to different countries around the world and writes about children from those countries. It includes information on their homes, families, schools, food and hobbies. With an adult, the group of students read the text and images to gather information on their child. Each student shared something they learned from the non-fiction text.

The following week, students once again worked in their small groups. Each group was given an IPAD with the app Educreations. A teacher helped them insert a picture to represent the country their child was from then each student typed their name on the slide. Next, a teacher assisted students as they each took turns recording the fact they learned from the previous week.
Children Like Me, Russia
Children Like Me, Canada